Business Disputes

Hewetts provide expert legal advice for individuals involved in business disputes. We can assist you if you are a Partner that cannot agree on the running of the Partnership, or a shareholder looking to excercise his/her rights, or a Director locked in dispute with another Director. We can guide you on the legal principles and, if necesssary, help negotiate for you an exit strategy. We can also assist Directors with liquidations and winding ups, advise on Director's duties, and provide guidance if you are a Director being pursued for money by a liquidator.

For further details on specific areas of Advice on Business Disputes, please refer to the following pages

Hewetts News

22/04/2024: Housing Authority Decision

A more nuanced look at the requirements placed on local housing authorities Read +

19/04/2024: Possession Claim Issue Fees

Possession Claim Issue Fees are increasing come 1 May 2024 Read +

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