Law Commission’s Consultation for a Change to Wedding Ceremonies

Amongst other things, Covid-19 has caused a delay in launching a consultation by the Law Commission relating to how and where couples can get married. 

The consultation period eventually began on 3rd September 2020 and will end on 3rd December 2020.  If you want to look at the paper you can access it here:

In short, it’s intended there will be a new legislative scheme to replace the current 1836 law.  The aim is to allow couples to marry in a way that is meaningful to them.  This would include doing away with the current prescriptive wording therefore and allowing couples to choose their own words which reflect their own beliefs and values, also permitting the ceremony to take place outdoors perhaps on the beach, at home or in your own garden.

The processes surrounding the ceremony itself would also be bought up to date enabling notice of the proposed wedding to take happen online or by post.

The Law Commissions’ final report with their recommendations to government is hoped to be ready by the second half of 2021.


Sandra Marshall and Madeleine Young are both family mediators and specialist family lawyers.  Contact Sandra on 0118 955 9615 or Madeleine on 0118 955 9616 to discuss your matter on a no obligation basis.

Published on 01/10/2020

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